Enduratex is a leading supplier of versatile and durable coated fabrics. Enduratex products are specifically designed to meet the needs of the Automotive, Contract, Healthcare, Hospitality, Marine, Office and Restaurant industries.
The Enduratex™ brand name evolved from our products and has become synonymous with our corporate identity of China General Plastics Corporation of America (CGPC America). Our products are made and engineered to the specifications of our parent company, U.S.I., a $2.3 billion corporation. In fact, U.S.I. is the second largest calendaring operation in the world.
The Enduratex™ culture, however, is more intimate than our size and global stature. We are first and foremost dedicated to our customers and that priority has allowed us to serve some of our customers for as long as we have been in business. Our Enduratex™ team members listen carefully to each customer, as we understand that they are the main reason for our business. Our design, sales and marketing team pay close attention to the ever-changing market conditions, trends and demands as we develop new and exciting products to meet those needs and challenges.
Enduratex™ was established in 1996 and is located in Corona, California, with distribution worldwide.